Our main clients are from Oil and Gas Companies such as SINOPEC, PETROCHINA, PERTAMINA, CNOOC, CNPC, CMEC, CNEEC, and their subsidiaries like: Zhongyuan, Daqing Citra Petroleum Technology Services, Daqing Jaya Petroleum Engineering, DPS Indonesia, Huabei , COSL, Great Wall Driling Co, Tongyuan, and some other local Companies in Indonesia like: Nana Yamano Technik, Tiga Musim Mas Jaya, Sarana Gastekindo Utama, Robertson Fastbuild Indonesia, ISO, Guna Nusa, Geo Minergy, Elnusa, Golden Spike, Genting Oil Energy, Kerui Indonesia etc.
Contact Details
- Jl. Raya Jatiasih No. 350
Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17423 - +62 21 8886 5537
- +62 21 8886 5574
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